On Wednesday 10 April, the ceremony for the first five graduates in Italy in Agricultural Engineering was held at the Cremona Campus of Politecnico di Milano.
This Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme trains engineers for the agro-industrial sector with a view to the technological innovation of systems. The new graduates are Matteo Giacomo AloisiLorenzo PeronaciFederico PreviderèAlec Sebastiani and Luca Succi.

Launched in the A.Y. 2021/2022 as the first programme in Italy and one of the few in the world, it is delivered in English and responds to a growing demand for training by companies that are constantly looking for professional figures capable of managing complex aspects of agricultural and agro-industrial production; it has a strong multidisciplinary dimension that combines technological innovation in agriculture and stockfarming with a focus on sustainability and food safety.

“We have set up several partnerships and projects with many businesses both in Italy and abroad, organising seminars, workshops, internships, immersion courses and company tours. We have also initiated a variety of research projects to be carried out in our new ROSETEA laboratory,”

says Luca Bascetta, programme coordinator.

“The link with companies has often resulted in important job opportunities. The gamble of these young people who, coming from very different Bachelor’s courses, were convinced of the importance of technological training also in agricultural and agro-industrial production, has been amply rewarded by the companies in the sector: four out of the five final-year students obtained a job in line with their expectations before graduating.”

The Laurea Magistrale in Agricultural Engineering, taught by 26 professors, has immediately proved attractive to both Italian students from outside the region (30%) and international students (25%). To support these students, the university offers annual merit-based scholarships, which are a valuable aid especially for students living away from home.